
Choosing the right green tea for weight loss

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There are a lot of different types of green tea and green tea extracts out there in a variety of brands so it can be very confusing when it comes to selecting the right brand and type of green tea to help you in losing weight or even just for your general wellbeing.

However, do bear in mind that not all green tea in the market are natural and contains the many active ingredients to boost your health, increase your metabolic rate and give you good health while assisting you in weight loss. Far from it, there are actually rogue companies that produces low grade or even chemical-laced green tea that are not as effective as the authentic real thing.
So, how do you know the real from the fakes? The first and easiest method is to look at the brand. It is always a sure bet to stick with well-known brands that have been around for a long, long time. Such huge and old companies have a reputation to keep so they will not be selling you fake green tea if it could besmirch their company name and spoil the good name they have built all these years.

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Secondly, you should look at the ingredients and verify its content on the box before buying. You will be able to note where there are other ingredients included other than just green tea leaves into the green tea packets. Otherwise, stick to loose green tea leaves but also check to ensure that it originated from a reputable company. You do not want to end up getting loose green tea leaves which are in the end another type of low grade tea. Best of all is to look for organic green tea. These are free from any chemicals and chemical residue. So, it is as healthy as it possibly could be.

As for the type of green tea to go for, there are a variety of green tea from flavoured green teas to roasted green tea to just plain old green tea. This actually depends on taste and your own personal preference. Now, if you are concerned about caffeine, then you should look at decaffeinated green tea. Of course, there are many green tea specifically made and promoted as green tea for weight loss. In this case, you will need to be extra careful because some of these products may contain some other compounds. Again, you must check the ingredients before buying as we never know what else they might put into these products.

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Most green tea comes from China and Japan and in fact, there are different provinces that produces the different types of green tea. Some are more potent for weight loss due to the active compounds in it while others are more potent for something else, such as for skincare or youth. This is due to the way the leaves are processed and how some components are preserved in the process.

Remember to choose carefully when it comes to getting the right green tea for weight loss as it could mean a difference of 10lbs or none at all.

Effective weight loss tips

We have been discussing the benefits of green tea and green tea for weight loss so now we will discuss about weight loss itself and tips to effective dieting and losing weight. Obesity is now on the rise and practically everyone who is anyone is on a diet or in need of losing a few pounds. Losing weight is not all about beauty and for aesthetic reasons only. Having extra weight or being overweight or even obese do lead to a lot of serious health problems.

Obesity has been linked to heart disease, cancer, hypertension, diabetes, joint pain and many other scary health complications we could do without. But it is not always easy to lose weight. Despite the millions of diet programs out there and possibly even billions of diet products, many people are still obese or overweight. This is not because they don’t want to lose the weight but it is because it is very difficult for them to stick to any one diet and as we all know, most diet products such as slimming pills and creams do not work.

So, here are some basic weight loss tips to help you along your path towards a healthier you to prevent the onset of weight-related diseases:

1. Do not go on a diet

Yes, I am not kidding. Going on a diet only makes you think that you will be starving yourself and thus set yourself up for a build-up of cravings. Besides, diets are short term and may not serve its purpose. So, why not do a lifestyle change instead of going on a diet? If you change your lifestyle and the way you eat for life, it goes a long way and not only help you lose weight but help you maintain a healthy lifestyle for life. All you need to do is to gradually throw out unhealthy foods such as oily food, fried food, fatty food, high-sugar content food and replace it with healthier options like wholegrain foods, lean meat, less sugar content food, low fat food and loads of greens and fruits. Don’t do it overnight but do it over an extended period of time so that you could slowly adjust to the change in your food intake.

2. Do move around more, fidget more and exercise whenever possible

When it comes to exercise, many people are pretty reluctant to go to the gym or even to the park for a jog. Many will come up with the excuse of being too busy, a lack of time or the best one, bad weather. Well, chuck those excuses aside. This is your body we are talking about. If you can’t spare 15 minutes a day for some active exercise, then you obviously do not love yourself enough! Yes, a mere 15 minutes of exercise a day is really good enough to get you started. Too busy? Use your lunch time to go for a run. Bad weather? You don’t need a park. You can even run up the staircase of a high rise building (and down again) as a form of exercise.

3. Drink loads of water and of course, green tea too!

I know you must be waiting for this so yes, you will have to add green tea to your diet for a more effective weight loss regime. First, you will also need at least 8 glasses of plain water. Just think of water as a fuel to your muscles. Then slot in green tea and think of it as the turbo power for your metabolic rate. With these two incorporated into your diet, it will help you all the way towards your weight loss goal!

Green tea extra for health

We have talked about the health benefits of green tea and how green tea aids in weight loss so now lets look at green tea extracts that is equally healthy and great for dieting and weight loss. Green tea extract are compounds taken from the green tea leaves. It is processed in a way that some extracts may contain different percentage of different types of active compounds.

The usual green tea extract will contain a certain amount of polyphenols, catechines per milligram of extract. Research has shown that green tea extract delivers the exact same health benefits as the actual green tea. So why go for processed green tea extract when you can down the actual green tea made from steeping green tea leaves in hot water? Well, simple. You see, green tea extracts is in a concentrated form. It packs in more of the health benefits in one tablespoon compared to the same amount of green tea leaves.

In fact, studies have shown that green tea extract is good for your memory. It seems that it could help in reducing memory loss, preserve memory function and best of all, it seemed quite useful for Alzheimer’s Disease.

That’s not all, it seems that some researchers in Japan has linked drinking tea to effective weight loss so combining a green tea extract supplement with a healthy diet may help you lose up to 10lbs in two months! Of course, the research probably involved a healthy diet and regular exercise so drinking green tea alone may not help much.

Other than helping in weight loss, green tea is known to help in various other health conditions such as cancer, heart problems, liver damage and even tooth decay. So, it is as good as, if not better than, eating an apple a day to keep the doctor away.

For centuries, the Chinese and Japanese have been drinking green tea as a health drink. Even before scientific proof could be obtained, the Chinese and Japanese have believed for centuries that green tea is healthy and promotes well being. The Japanese even have an elaborate tea ceremony with a set of methods in preparing the tea and then serving the tea. Even the Chinese have developed a lot of different types of Chinese and green teas and come up with a set of methods in preparing the tea from steeping it in a certain temperature to pouring it.

Well, it seems that green tea is more like an ancient health wisdom being passed down and has only recently caught on as the next best health drink. No, make it as the best health drink you could hope to find. In fact, if you look around, you will find that there are even non-caffeine or less caffeine green tea extracts you could get if your main concern is the side effect of caffeine. When it comes to green tea and green tea extracts what you should actually look for are the active ingredients in it that could give your body a boost whether in terms of metabolism or memory or any other help you need for a healthier, stronger body.

Green Tea and dieting

So, could green tea help in weight loss and make your dieting plan a success? Well, if we look at it scientifically, it is not a far-fetched idea at all that green tea aids weight loss. According to research by scientists, green tea contains caffeine and polyphenols that could increase thermogenesis. Thermogenesis is the rate that calories are burned, in other words, your metabolic rate.

Now, we all know that an increased metabolic rate could only mean one thing and one thing only and that is, it burns more calories. When more calories get burned, then this means your pounds will slide right off easily. Sounds great right?

Well, green tea is not your miracle diet drink but it sure does help. As long as you maintain a healthy diet and team it with exercise and then drink green tea daily, you will find that it is so much easier to lose those extra pounds than without drinking green tea. Furthermore, studies have shown that by drinking green tea, you will also experience a significant increase in your energy expenditure. It is believed that people who drinks green tea regularly will have an increased rate of fat oxidation so this means, it affect your body’s metabolic rate in such a way that it makes it easier for you to lose weight. The best part about this is that despite green tea increasing your metabolic rate and fat oxidation, it does not increase your heart rate so it is much more healthier than any other stimulant-based diet drinks.

So, when you embark on a diet to lose those extra pounds and bulges, you should really get yourself some quality green tea and replace all of your sugary, high calorie drinks with it. Green tea is really very beneficial for your diet. Studies have shown that the components in green tea, such as the caffeine and antioxidants in it, will stimulate your metabolic rate and the oxidation of fat. Thus many research have concluded that green tea is the one drink that supports dieting and weight loss.

That’s not all, green tea is known to suppress appetite. Meaning, it will help you cut down your unnecessary food cravings so you will eat less than usual. When you eat less and have a boost to your metabolic rate, surely you will lose the weight faster than without green tea.

Of course, merely drinking green tea is not good enough. You should also look for concentrated green tea extracts and use it to achieve your desired weight. Green tea extracts are much better than mere green tea as it contains concentrated amounts of antioxidants with less caffeine. So, you don’t even have to worry about it keeping you up all night or any other nasty side effects due to caffeine.

Green tea and dieting is really closely linked. Green tea should be something you have in your cupboards, on the ready to give your body a boost in terms of metabolism and antioxidants. Besides, green tea is also healthy for other reasons due to its many antioxidants. It helps you look younger too.


Green Tea Weight Loss

We have all heard of green tea weight loss but do we know if it is as effective as many claimed? Well, drinking this ancient Japanese tea is still healthier than drinking any other drinks for one thing. For another thing, green tea has been known to have loads of great benefits for your body and skin. So, the fact that green tea aids weight loss is a great added feature to this wonder drink that is refreshing and good to drink.

Let's look at the ways this wonderful green tea could help you lose weight:

1. Green tea gives your metabolic rate a boost
According to studies by American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, green tea extract could give you a boost to your metabolism by at least 4%. The researchers think it could be because of the high amount of catechin polyphenols inside the green tea. This particular nutrient helps to kick-start your body's ability to burn up calories.

2. Green tea stops your body from absorbing fat and regulates your blood glucose level
The same nutrients (you know, the catechins) will stop your body from moving extra glucose into your fat cells, thus reducing fat absorption and regulates your glucose level. In other words, it slows down the increase in blood sugar level after a meal and this will reduce insulin spikes which in turn discourage fat storage.

3. Green tea helps to cut down your appetite
Due to it being able to regulate your blood sugar level, you will feel less inclined to have sugar cravings. You will also not feel hungry all the time and this may end up with lesser appetite so you'd end up losing weight because you are eating less due to reduced appetite.

4. Green tea has lesser calories compared to your regular coffee
If you are a coffee drinker, you should think about switching to green tea as it does not have sugar or cream with it, unlike coffee.

Now that you know, green tea weight loss is not all hype for no reason but is backed by facts too. Next, let's look at how effective green tea is in weight loss.